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1977 - Homme qui Aimait les Femmes - Truffaut Francois = CSFD 75% |

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    1977 - Homme qui Aimait les Femmes - Truffaut Francois = CSFD 75% Názov:1977 - Homme qui Aimait les Femmes - Truffaut Francois = CSFD 75% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy bez titulků - Velikost:696.9 MB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-21 Peerov:1 (Seed: 0, Leech: 1)
    Zaner:Drama,Komedie,Romanticky Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    ČSFD Režiser

    ČSFD Film

    Komedie / Drama / Romantický
    Francie, 1977, 120 min
    Režie: François Truffaut
    Scénář: François Truffaut
    Kamera: Néstor Almendros
    Hrají: Charles Denner, Brigitte Fossey, Geneviève Fontanel, Leslie Caron, Nathalie Baye, Sabine Glaser, François Truffaut, Jean Dasté, Roger Rose

    Few words of warning.
    If you like James Bond, you will not like this movie. No point in downloading.
    If you like Top Gun you will hate this movie. Don't download. For real.
    If you like Shirin (Abbas Kiarostami 2008), you will probably find this one intelectually stimulating on several fronts.


    Bernard Morane byl nenapravitelný sukničkář, který během svého života svedl nespočet žen. Desítky z nich se na začátku filmu scházejí na provinčním hřbitově, aby se se svým svůdcem rozloučily na jeho poslední cestě. Poté je v retrospektivě vyprávěn příběh tohoto muže, pro něhož ženy byly vždy neukojitelnou vášní...

    Truffaut byl za režii tohoto snímku nominován na MFF v Berlíně v roce 1977 na Zlatého medvěda, o rok později film získal další tři nominace na Césara za hlavní mužský herecký výkon (Charles Denner) a za nejlepší herecký výkon ve vedlejší roli (Nelly Borgeaud, Geneviéve Fontanel). V roce 1983 natočil režisér Blake Edwards remake s Burtem Reynoldsem v hlavní roli

    Já byla spokojená, okamžitě po filmu jsem měla chuť vzít si na nohy ty nehezčí botky na podpatku co mám a jít se mrknout do zrcadla, jaký by mohly udělat eventuální dojem na oko opačného pohlaví a přiřadila bych se možná do té kolony žen v úplném závěru filmu. No Bertrand si trochu zapřeháněl, ale kdoví, třeba se najde i takový muž, který je kvůli ženě schopný rozbít i auťák. Mě jeho příběh v každém případě zaujal a souhlasím s tím, že nadpis knihy, kterou psal, je v této podobě daleko přijatelnější. Charles Denner hrál tak skvěle, že nominace za hlavní herecký výkon byla rozhodně na místě. Konec mně vyzněl sice trochu násilně, ale ne zase až tak neočekávaně, natolik Truffauta ještě neznám, možná je to už jeho známý rukopis, šokovat na konci takhle diváka.

    this film could not have been made today
    It would be impossible to make today a movie like 'L'homme qui aimait les femmes' (the English title is 'The Man Who Loved Women') directed in 1977 by François Truffaut. Not the way the French filmmaker wrote and directed it, in any case. The main hero is a serial womanizer, a man who usually looks at women from the legs up, who accumulates conquests inevitably followed by separations, who has no intention of establishing a stable relationship and who collects his trophy memories in drawers full of letters and photos before starting to write a book in which he describes his series of love adventures. Such a male hero could be in our times only a negative character and the fact that Truffaut describes him as an eternal lover whose fascination for women finds its justification in the way they are also attracted and fall under his charms would be hard to explain today. And yet, Don Juan and his disciples traverse the history of literature, opera, and cinema.

    If someone still dares to write the script for a remake, he should change almost everything. There is a lot of on-screen smoking - at work, at the table, in bed. People send letters and use dial phones that ring threatening. Manuscripts of books are brought by the writers in envelopes and entrusted to the typists. Not only are there no mobile phones, but the engineer Bertrand Morane, the hero of the film, works for a company where telephone calls are accepted in a switchboard operated manually by a telephone operator. In the morning he is awakened by the voice of another telephone operator from a wake-up service. Any attractive woman who crosses his way becomes the object of his attention and fascination, regardless of her social or family status. The film is asymmetrical, in the sense that Truffaut is less interested in the psychology of his female heroines. Charles Denner, the actor who plays the main hero of the film is far from having the physical charm of an Alain Delon or the charisma of Belmondo, looks like a banal guy. What is the secret of his success with women? Maybe it's his fascination with the opposite sex that he reveals quite directly, without ostentation or traces of violence. If he misses a conquest, our hero shrugs and goes to the next woman he meets on the way. Truffaut conveyed to the film's hero his own fascination with women, embodied in his admiration for the actresses who starred in his films (and in a few alleged love stories).

    A few cinematic elements attract attention. The scenes that open and close the film are borrowed from the film noir genre, although what happens between them is completely different. Attentive viewers will identify in the first frame the director's cameo appearing, as in Hitchcock's film. The off-screen voice is used intensively, which is not a rarity in Truffaut's films, being inserted under the pretext of the hero's attempt to turn his adventures into a memoir book, like those of Casanova or Don Juan. As I am mentioning - again - Don Juan, this film lacks any kind of moralising judgment. Even in the libretto of Mozart's opera the great seducer is punished. Here it is hazard that is put at work. To substantiate psychologically the behaviour of his hero, Truffaut inserts some flashback scenes from his adolescence and introduces the figure of his mother, a kind of mirror replica of what would become his son. In 'L'homme qui aimait les femmes' two of the main themes of his films meet, the fascination for women and the sometimes painful coming to age. Plausible? Spectators are left to judge. The film deserves, in any case, a viewing or a re-viewing.

    A really good movie about a man who was just crazy about women.

    This movie is just wonderful, a kind of masterpiece as for its construction, its dialogues and the actors' performances. The first image sets the scene very clearly : Bertrand Morane's burial attended only by women. No guys in the funeral procession. Twenty or so lovely middle-aged females are following their (former) lover's last trip. One of them, Brigitte Fossey, Bertrand's last girlfriend, comments, from backstage, on this unusual situation and explains, incidentally, what the film 's gonna be : a flashback to Bertrand's life. How does she happen to know about it ? Thanks to Bertrand's book she has recently edited for him and called "The man who loved women" (passed tense works here as a premonition). The author describes his passion for women and focuses on some of them. Inspired directly from the Bertrand's life (and from the director's life as well), his narrative is informal, genuine, sometimes contradictory but never pedantic nor rude. He remembers his love affairs, his bad and good times, and, most of all, tries to express his feelings to such an extent that is story must be seen as an auto-analysis, the writer's personal attempt to understand his personality rather than a woman chaser's curriculum vitae. Come to that, Charles Denner, the lead, shows us very well that his character's everything short of a sexist and self-confident womanizer. He fell in love once, but this experience turned out to be a real disappointment. Now, he feels as if he were unable to love anymore. So, he's `collecting'. He may have shortcomings, he may have fun picking up beautiful girls wherever and whenever he can, he may not be the kind of faithful and steady guy a good many girls usually like, his behavior might be considered as outrageous by some, the thing is he's a sensitive, affectionate, simple and nice person who knows how to make women happy and comfortable. Each mistress's chosen for a particular reason, a physical standard (behavior, way of walking, voice..) but all share one thing : they have long, smooth and attractive legs. All in all, `The man who loved women' is a mighty good film, worth watching it.

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